Topic Scriptures: James 2:23; Exodus 33:11; John 15:15
Who is Jesus to you?
Take a moment and think about it. If someone walked up to you and asked you that question, what would you tell them?
Most Christians, if asked this question, would reply: “Jesus is our Savior, our King, our Redeemer, our Healer, etc.” But it would not occur to most of us to say that Jesus is our friend.
For many of us, the very idea seems farfetched and unbelievable. Jesus? A friend to people as broken and imperfect as you and me? How could such a thing be?
And yet, not only is the idea scriptural, it is also God’s desire for each of us. We must experience Jesus in this way, or our relationship with Him is not complete.
Friendship with God is firmly rooted in scripture.
Abraham was called the friend of God (James 2:23).
So was Moses. In fact, his friendship with God was so strong that God spoke to him “face to face” (Exodus 33:11).
And in the New Testament, Jesus specifically calls His disciples his friends. (John 15:15).
These examples show us that God is interested in having a deeper relationship with you and me beyond us simply serving Him. I say it again: Jesus wants to be your friend.
Isn’t that amazing?
To put it simply, the greatest friend you can ever have. No relationship on earth can ever come close to the kind of friendship Jesus offers us. Let’s look at some reasons why.
- In Jesus, we have a friend who has proven His love as the greatest kind of love. (John 15:12 – 13)
The verse above teaches us that there is no greater love than that a person should lay down his life for his friends. This is exactly what Jesus did. He proved His love for us by giving His life and pouring out His blood while we were yet sinners. (Romans 5:8). Not even when we started trying to be good, but when we were still deep in sin!
Think about it: Even before we knew Him before any of us was ever even born, Jesus was busy proving His love for us. What a wonderful friend!
- In Jesus, we have a friend who will love us at all times and will never give up on us. (Proverbs 17:17)
Human friends are so often unreliable. When things are going well you’ll find so many people around you. But when you get into trouble, fair-weather friends will abandon you.
Only a true friend will stand by your side through the hard times. And no one does this better than Jesus. He loves us at all times, even when we mess up. Even when we deny Him, like Peter did. (Luke 22: 54 – 62; John 21:15 – 17).
Can you imagine that? Even when we hurt Him, Jesus is still there. Still waiting. Still loving.
Beloved, who told you that you cannot have Jesus as a friend? Who told you access to Him is denied to you? Jesus Himself said, “Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11: 28, NIV)
So come to Jesus. Develop your relationship with Him. Draw close to Him, and experience this beautiful friendship forever.
God-willing, we will continue this topic another week. God bless you.